GEARMINDED Adventure Bike Build

GEARMINDED ADVENTURE BIKE BUILD An Exercise in Repurposing Your Ride This is the second bike we have seen built up over at Gearminded. The other a super Ritchey can be viewed (here)  Read on! Ah, the adventure road bike. A metamorphosis of long-distance comfort, gravel road capability, on-road stiffness, urban commuting and so, so much…

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Gevenalle CXH Integrated Shifter System
Insights from

The following kindly reproduced and linked with permission from Gevenalle HyroShift Levers with TRP Hylex Brakes Portland, Oregon has a serious lack of off-road cycling opportunities close to town, so like many residents I’ve been spending a lot of time on a road bike during the week. Now that we’ve been back in the…

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